Where to Report Mystery Shopping Scams and Get Accurate Reports

If you detect or lose money due to a Mystery Shopping scam, it's important to report it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at ReportFraud.ftc.gov and your state's attorney general. Mystery shoppers are trained and certified professionals who act as your eyes and ears. They visit your establishment in the guise of a typical customer and report on their experience. The customer only cares about the work for which they are paid, so it's important to stay focused on the topic and ask yourself why what you wrote matters.

If you can't think of a reason why the customer would want to know the information you entered, then it's probably not necessary to include it in the report. When mystery shopping, it's essential to generate and submit detailed reports even before leaving stores. Writing an accurate report is probably the most important thing you'll do as a mystery shopper, but beyond accuracy, there are many things you can do to improve the reports you write. A mystery shopper (of legal age) but still under 21 (or 2 years old) makes a purchase and reports if proper identification was requested.

Mystery Shopping reports provide detailed, objective and accurate views of your business from the customer's perspective. In general, mystery shoppers “secretly visit commercial establishments, observe operations, complete specific transactions, interact with staff, and send reports to employers. Discreetly conduct mystery buyer checklists and efficiently send mystery buyer reports anytime, anywhere. Mystery shopper reports should be created according to the specifications of the hiring company or agency, but should always be accurate, unbiased, and complete.

Long sentences can cause problems when it comes to clarity, so make sure to keep your writing concise.